Voting and Participation in Governance
UP Token holders may participate in community governance over economic policies in the game and governance decisions. Token holders may propose improvement proposals and vote on such proposals. Below are a few policies and governance decisions that players may participate in governing
Game Economic Policies
All changes to the core game economic policies have circuit breakers in terms how much can be changed in a given epoch.
Fee Structure: how much fees are charged at different events such as withdrawal / redemption, high stakes gameplay, swaps.
Burn Rate: burn rate of the tokens earned through various token sinks such as gameplay, in-app purchases and surplus revenue generated by the system.
Charity Partners: Decision over which charity partner receives how much % of the accrued charity pool in a given time epoch, and which new charity partners are onboarded.
Grants: Community initiatives and third party developer grant decisions and applications.
Tournament Partners: which tournament hosts are approved on the platform.
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